Welcome to Men's Den

There are no strangers here, only friends you have not met yet

Blaenau Gwent, South Wales

News Update

On Monday 11th March 2024 we became a registered Charity in the UK.

Our Charity name is now Men’s Shed Blaenau Gwent. Number 1207381

We will continue to use our working names of Men’s Den and Ladies Lounge on our social media and website.

We can now continue the great work we have always done, plus we can fundraise and make donations to individuals or other worthwhile groups.

If you feel in crisis right now, help is available please click the link

What do we do?

Mens Den Banner pic

Get Involved

We have two active groups:
Men’s Den and Ladies Lounge. 
We have a social meeting every Monday and Wednesday at Blaina Community Sports Centre.
We also have our own “Shed” in the grounds, this is our base for: Woodwork, gardening, walk & talk craft sessions, etc.

Pop in to see us one day. We’ll get the kettle on!

Would you like to provide a presentation to our group? Get in touch.

Men's Den Logo

Photo Gallery

We have many photos from our events and meetings, too many for this page.
Click the link below to see a selection from current and past events.

Men's Sheds Cymru Logo

Sheds in Wales

We are proud to be a member of Men's Sheds Cymru. They have supported us for many years with advice, funding information and products. You can find their website below

Membership Options

We have two options for members. We feel this is the best way for the club to offer a way of supporting our activities and supporting our members.

Social Member
This is ideal for new members who want to “Try before you buy”. Also, members who may enjoy a cuppa and chat to meet new friends and have other commitments on their time.
£2 per meeting
    • No commitment. Come to as often as you wish.
    • Membership card.
    • Men’s Den pen.
    • Monthly Newsletter.
Active Member
This is ideal for members who want to get involved with the many projects and activities we offer. This includes the benefits of social membership plus much more.
£2 per meeting £20 (£12 annual membership + £8 discounted fleece)
  • Men’s Den branded fleece top.
  • Men’s Den Membership card.
  • Men’s Den pen.
  • Men’s Den Water Bottle
  • Men’s Den name badge.
  • Monthly Newsletter.
  • Access to our projects:Woodworking, Glass Fusion, Allotment/Gardening, Day trips & events.
  • Money off vouchers for many tools and accessory companies.

Information from UK men's shed association

UKMSA Charity Partners include:

Zero Suicide Alliance: https://zerosuicidealliance.com/

Royal British Legion: https://www.britishlegion.org.uk

Centre for Ageing Better: https://ageing-better.org.uk

Men’s Health Forum: https://www.menshealthforum.org.uk

Background Information

Men’s Sheds work

  • 96% of Shedders felt less lonely after joining a Men’s Shed
  • 89% of Shedders reported to be less depressed.
  • 75% of Shedders reported to be less anxious.
  • 97% of Shedders made new friends after joining a Men’s Shed.
  • 88% of Shedders felt more connected to their community.
  • 39% of Sheds report that they have either saved a life (25%) or believe they have saved a life (14%)

Over 1,100 Men’s Sheds across the UK that is over 33,000 Shedders.

UKMSA was founded in 2013 and celebrated its 10-year anniversary last year.

What is a Men’s Shed?
Men’s Sheds are community spaces for men to connect, converse and create. The activities are often similar to those of garden sheds, but for groups of men to enjoy together (many Sheds also have women members too). They help reduce loneliness and isolation, but most importantly, they’re fun. Find out more about them.

What do people do in Men’s Sheds?     
Their members decide on what they do. Men’s Sheds are community spaces where men gather to engage in various practical activities, share skills, and foster social connections. The activities at a Men’s Shed can vary based on the interests and preferences of the members, but here are some common activities that men typically participate in at a Men’s Shed: Woodworking and Carpentry, Metalworking, Gardening and Horticulture, DIY and Home Improvement, Electronics and Technology, Arts and Crafts, Music making, Gaming and Hobbies, Socialising and Conversation, Skill Sharing and Workshops, Community Projects, Health and Wellbeing Activities and drinking tea!

For more information visit our Frequently asked questions section of our website.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

About Men's den BG

We meet every:
Monday 10am – 1pm In the Shed. Crafts, chat etc.
Wednesday 10am – 12noon. Social meeting in the Clubhouse.

We have a range of activities and projects available.

  • Social meeting (Tea & Chat)
  • Tai Chi.
  • Walk & Talk.
  • Day Trips, Bowling etc.
  • Woodworking.
  • Gardening. 
  • Glass Fusion. (Not active at present)

Join us at:
The Shed, Blaina Community Sports Club,
Surgery Road,
Blaina. NP13 3AY

Useful Links

Dewis.wales Logo
Dewis Website
BG Together logo
BG In this Together
Mens Den Banner pic
Our FaceBook Page
Blaenau Gwent Supported Lodgings/Llamau
Men's Shed UK Logo
Men's Shed UK
Men's Sheds Cymru Logo
Men's Sheds Cymru


How to get in touch


Blaina Community Sports Club, Surgery Road, Blaina. NP13 3AY


David Finch 07535 069874

Byron Booth 07710 310710

Thank you to our supporters & funders, past and present.
